Bone Level is a dental implant produced by Straumann . Its connection is internal. Its head is straight. Its body is straight with reverse buttress threads. Its apex has a dome shape, has a hole of no hole shape, and doesn't have grooves. It is made of CP Titanium.
Straumann® Bone Level Implant Line. 152.752/en/B/00 01/16 31.01.2016 PDF, 1 MB 다운로드 More than primary stability. Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implant. 490.052/en/C/00 04/18 30.01.2016 PDF, 2 MB 다운로드 zip 파일로 다운로드. 모든
Its body is straight with reverse buttress threads. Its apex has a dome shape, has a hole of no hole shape, and doesn't have grooves. Sherlock Implant Analog for Straumann Bone Level. For digital and stone model use. Adjustable height by cutting at grooves.
The straumann implant blx system bone level blx implants. Straumann® BLX Implant System - Institut Straumann AG Implantat momentdrag. Nobel Biocare. Astra EV. Implantatnivå. 25 Ncm. Astra EV. Distansnivå.
Straumann® RidgeFit Implants.
Distans kompatibel med Straumann® Bone Level® Koppingen passar perfekt till denna modell av Straumann® implantat och finns i både rak och vinklad
35 Ncm. synOcta® 6.5. 35 Ncm. Kontakt. Andra implantatsystem: Astra Tech Implant System™ Aqua och Lilac.
Straumann Bone Level Tapered (Straumann BLT) erbjuder utmärkt primärstabilitet i exempelvis mjukt ben och i extraktionsalveoler. Tack vare att implantatet är koniskt apikalt är det även ett utmärkt alternativ i fronten där anatomin ibland sätter begränsningar, eller i situationer där exempelvis rotspetsarna pekar mot varandra.
For Scan Implant position. Non Engaging.
Titanium basis for individual abutments
3shape. BEGO. DAS. Ankylos Balance Base C Abut. Level. 4.2.
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Implant-level Impression.
Add to favorite. Analog 5-pack - Straumann Bone Level RC comp. Art. no. 01351
In vitro study of the insertion of disinsertion effect on retention of two attachment systems of an overdenture on two implants.
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Andra implantatsystem: Astra Tech Implant System™ Aqua och Lilac. Straumann® Bone. Level NC 3.3 och RC 4.1/4.8. Multi-unit Abutment Non-Engaging,
Adjustable height by cutting at grooves. Straumann NC is available in steel. Straumann RC is now available in titanium and anodized for your convenience.
Straumann Bone Level · The Bone Control Design is based on five fundamental biological principles: · Straumann SLActive · Straumann SLA.
05, material, Roxolid®, SLActive® surface. Straumann Bone Level · The Bone Control Design is based on five fundamental biological principles: · Straumann SLActive · Straumann SLA. Therefore, assessment of peri-implant marginal bone levels has become an for 3 different implant systems (Astra Tech, Brånemark, Straumann), using either a STRAUMANN ® BONE LEVEL IMPLANT prosthetic options chart. Implant Level Impression. Abutment Level Impression.